阅读历史 |

第53节(2 / 2)



your faith was strong but you needed proof

you saw her bathg on the roof

her beauty and the oonlight overthrew you

she tied you to a kitchen chair

she broke your throne and she cut your hair

and fro your lips she drew the hallejah

hallejah hallejah

hallejah hallejah

well there was a ti when you let know 有一段日子你让我知道

what\&039;s really gog on below 接下来真的会发生些什么事

but now you never show that to do you 但你从来也不向我展现你自己,你是这样的吗

but reber when i oved you 但记住当我的心向你靠近

and the holy dove was ovg too 神圣的鸽子也靠近了

and every breath we drew was hallejah 我们每次的呼吸都是哈利路亚

well, aybe there\&039;s a god above 可能天上真有上帝

